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March 2014 Board Meeting

Asim Ghulamani

Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM by Gary Moore, University Woods HOA President. Members present:

  • Gary Moore (President)

  • John Harp

  • John Gensinger

  • Philip (Toby) Terrell

  • Tiffany Alexy

  • Dorothy Davis (The Preiss Company)

Members not present:

  • Amber Stotesbury

  • Gordon Lye

President’s Report demonstrated the launch of the U. Woods HOA Website as well as announcement of a quarterly newsletter.

Dorothy Davis of The Preiss Company presented community updates, detailing the situation of the abandoned car by the mail kiosk of the small side, as well as the HVAC damage to 3 units at building 3020 due to a car having slid down the hill during a snowstorm.

The January financial statement was reviewed, with a correction noted: the total of $1,538.10 for “postage” should have been coded instead for “mail delivery fees.” The high expenses for the month of January were also discussed, which were a direct result of paying multiple bills from previous months.

The topics of exterior maintenance, vandalism & cleanliness were conferred

Officers were nominated, with Philip (Toby) Terrell being elected Vice President, Amber Stotesbury elected as Treasurer, and Tiffany Alexy elected as Secretary.

In order to bring attention to multiple issues, it was decided that various sub-committees would be formed. These sub-committees are: Landscaping, Sinking Funds/Capital Reserves, Grounds/Upkeep, & Security.

The next meeting is scheduled tentatively for the month of May.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.


© 2018 University Woods Home Owner Association, Raleigh, NC


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