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2015 Annual Board Meeting

Asim Ghulamani

The meeting was called to order at 3 PM by Gary Moore. Board members present were John Harper, John Gensinger, and Toby Terrell. Sharon Carducci and Emanuelle Ellis, University Woods homeowners were also present. Jeb Black and Joe Stewart were present representing Wilson Property Management. The first order of business was to elect officers for 2015. The following individuals were elected:

  • Gary Moore – President

  • Toby Terrell – Vice-President

  • Tiffany Alexy - Secretary

  • Amber Stotesbury - Treasurer

Fiscal Year Budget. Click here to view the Fiscal Year budget for 2015.

Management Report. Jeb Black and Joe Stewart reported the following:

  • Rules were posted on doors shortly after January 1. Letters have been sent out to violators.

  • Trash Canisters bolted to buildings have been removed because they were filled with trash but could not easily been emptied.

  • Three underground drains have been cleaned where there were junctions.

  • The current landscaping/grounds company has been put on notice that we expect dramatic improvement in their services and bids are being solicited from other companies.

  • Retentions ponds have been inspected and repairs are being made to riprap and spillways.

  • Major improvements were needed. Rain has interfered with the work.

  • Fire extinguishers are now up to code.

  • Work is progressing on repairing handrails.

  • Siding has been ordered to repair the mailbox building on the Lineberry side of the property.

  • Door numbers are being replaced where they are missing.

  • Parking stickers have been ordered.

A number of major tasks are planned over the next few months:

  • In February Cypress trees and other trees that are causing property damage will be trimmed or removed at an estimated cost of $18,000. The trees have also been a security issue,

  • In March all gutters will be cleaned and repaired.

  • In April all buildings will be power washed and vent wills be cleaned or repaired.

  • In May siding repairs will be done (some are being done now) along with roof repairs.

Financial Report.

  • Two delinquent accounts have been turned over to a collection agency. If the accounts are not resolved the Board will consider other legal action.

  • The Association had total operating expenses of $460,351.68 during 2014. Total income was $502,487.78. There were three reasons for the surplus – dues were raised, money was transferred from the reserves account and spending was curtailed; otherwise the association would have finished with a substantial deficit. With the dues increase voted on by the membership at the December HOA meeting the Association will be able to make major repairs and take care of deferred maintenance issues during 2015.

New Business. The covenants of the Association have not been visited since the Association was formed. Some of the language is out-of-date or in incorrect. Other provisions of the covenants made need to to examined to reflect current practice. A motion was made by Toby Terrell and seconded by John Gensinger to hire an attorney to review the covenants of the association. Motion passed.

  • It was agreed to engage Scott Grady to prepare taxes and prepare appropriate IRS forms for the Association.

  • Toby requested that future Board meetings have a more detailed agenda.

  • It was suggested that the next newsletter sent to the members have a recommendation that they service their HVAC units. Since these units are located outside the building they may escape attention.

  • It was also suggested that a standard leasing contract and leasing application be posted on the web site.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 PM.


© 2018 University Woods Home Owner Association, Raleigh, NC


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