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February 2016 Board Meeting

Asim Ghulamani

Meeting called to order at 3:03 PM by HOA President Gary Moore. Present also were John Gensinger, John Harper, Karleen Gross, Mark Selz, Tiffany Alexy and Joe Stewart representing Wilson Property Management.

A motion to issue fine letters for trash violations was made by John Harper and seconded by Tiffany Alexy. All voted in favor.

For the first occurrence of a trash violation, the unit is issued a warning. For the second violation, they have the opportunity to stand in front of the board to dispute the fee. For the third violation, they are issued a fine.

Water sub-metering was discussed, and the suggestion was made to take the water bill and divide by number of units in a building (12), rather than issue sub-metering equipment in units (which would increase expenses for owners). Gary Moore will be meeting with Toby Terrell who is the board member who has taken on the responsibility of water sub-metering.

The following officers were nominated for the Board:

  • Gary Moore nominated for President

  • Toby Terrell nominated for Vice President

  • Tiffany Alexy nominated as Secretary

  • John Harper nominated as Treasurer

A motion was made by John Gensinger that all nominated officers be elected and it was seconded by Mark Selz.

$5,000 is budgeted to update the clubhouse, including new carpet and paint.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 PM by President Gary Moore.


© 2018 University Woods Home Owner Association, Raleigh, NC


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