The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by Gary Moore, the HOA President. There was a quorum present.
The first item of business was the Homeowners Forum. No homeowners were present to present issues.
Fine letters were presented to the Board for their approval. The letters and fines were for 2nd and 3rd violations of the trash policy (trash bags are not be sitting in front of individual units). It was suggested that the next newsletter remind owners of the policy. John Harper moved and John Gensinger seconded that letters be approved and sent. The motion passed.
A financial report was presented to the board. Overall, the HOA is within the budget for the year but there is concern over the rising cost of water.
The Association has initiated foreclosure actions on one owner because they are substantially behind on dues. It was suggested that a lawyer meet with the Board to explain the details and intricacies of foreclosure. Even though the Board has initiated foreclosure steps, first or second mortgage holders will be paid first. Typically, if the owners are behind on their dues, they are also behind on mortgage payments. Toby Terrell moved, John Gensinger seconded to initiate foreclosure proceedings on a 2nd individual.
There was considerable discussion regarding the rising cost of water. The Board decided that it was time to take action. John Gensinger moved, Toby Terrell seconded, to move to unit sub-metering for water. It was decided to have a target date of January 1, 2017 to implement the plan and to pay for the cost of installation out of the reserves. The motion passed. Detailed plans for installation will be developed.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM.