Meeting called to order the regular meeting of the University Woods HOA Board at 6:19pm on April 5, 2017 at Wilson Property Management, 5520 McNeely Drive, Suite 100, Raleigh, NC. A quorum was established with 6 of 8 Board members in attendance. Jeb Black conducted a roll call. The following board members were present: John Gensinger, Asim Ghulamani, Joe Losi, Mark Selz, Toby Terrell, and Lisa Whitley. Jeb Black and Joe Stewart were present as representatives of Wilson Property Management.
Homeowner’s Forum. N/A, no homeowners were in attendance.
Introduction Of New Board Members. New board members, Joe Losi and Asim Ghulamani were introduced.
Election of Officers.
President: Mark Selz
Vice President: Joe Losi
Treasurer: John Gensinger
Secretary: Lisa Whitley
Approval Of Minutes From Last Meeting. Jeb Black discussed the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as discussed.
Treasurer’s Report. Balance Sheet, Budget Comparison, and delinquencies were discussed. One half of the cost of the water submetering contract has been paid, with the balance projected for payment at completion of the project, currently anticipated for the end of May.
Of note, a significant amount of outstanding Special Assessments and sprinkler head replacement collections remain at this time.
Foreclosure proceedings are underway regarding one owner, who owns 2 units in the community.
Management Report. Package mailboxes are installed, but the Board should consider in next year’s budget adding more package mailboxes to meet the needs of the residents. A reminder for residents to periodically check for mail/packages will be sent in the letter regarding water submetering.
Fire inspection is complete. For the next inspection, the Fire Marshall will provide a checklist to owners, rather than accessing individual units.
Trash around the community continues to be a problem. Turbo Haul removes large items from around the dumpsters every Monday morning. An individual hired by HOA picks up trash on the grounds for four hours a day, Wednesday through Sunday. Landscapers pick up trash on the grounds as they complete landscaping on Tuesdays. Violation notices continue to be issued, but trash is still found throughout the community.
To decrease the amount of large items left around dumpsters during the upcoming move-out period in July, decision was made to have 40’ dumpsters placed at two locations in the community. As they fill, they will be exchanged. Cost will be covered out of current HOA funds.
Power washing will be completed soon, goal is early May, to allow dissipation of pollen before completion.
Duke-Progress Energy will be transitioning the parking lot lights to LED lights. This is at no cost to the HOA, but does require a 5-year contract with D-P Energy for the maintenance and upkeep of the lights and poles. Cost-savings to the HOA is expected to be approximately $3 per light pole per month.
The annual Preiss Company Block Party will be held on April 28.
New business. Water submetering: May 1st is projected beginning, with 2 buildings per day expected to be complete, taking a total of 9 days. However, additional time may be necessary for inspections, repairs, etc. A letter has been drafted to owners outlining the process. Owners will need to notify Wilson Property Management whether the bill should be sent to owners or tenants, although the owners will be responsible if tenants fail to pay. Further discussion needs to take place about whether the HOA can levy late fees for this or other repercussions for failure to pay.
Asim has completed the website transition to a stand alone webpage. A redirect link from the old webpage will be created, the name will be changed for a more precise web address, the domain will be purchased, and a web hosting subscription will be obtained to reduce the number of advertisements and increase storage associated with the page. Cost will be covered out of current HOA funds and included in next year’s budget.
Lisa will publish a quarterly newsletter. First issue date TBD. Update to the covenants is a slow going process. At this time, there are only approximately 70 proxies or actual votes received. A list of owners who have not responded was distributed and divided amongst the Board members for contact to appeal for their participation. The proxy will be added to the website for ease of participation.
Adjournment. Mark Selz adjourned the meeting at 7:29pm.