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University Woods HOA

2020 Annual Board Meeting

University Woods Clubhouse

February 19, 2020

Attendees. Present from the Board were John Gensinger, Asim Ghulamani, Mark Selz, and Lisa Whitley. Representing Wilson Property Management was Jeb Black. Approximately three homeowners were present, sign in roster maintained by Wilson Property Management. President Mark Selz called the meeting to order at 6:07 PM. Lisa Whitley recording minutes.

Approval of Minutes. Motion made by Asim Ghulamani to approve previous meeting minutes (distributed to attendees and accessible on the HOA website), the motion was seconded by Mark Selz and unanimously approved by attendees.

Financial Report. Jeb Black reviewed Budget Comparison and Balance Sheet, and through December 31, 2019 as well as the Fiscal Year Budget for 2020 with attendees.

Budget Comparison:

  • New line item 5115 Plumbing Repairs: to capture/track expenses related to pipes in foundations, between walls, and drains that are leaking, discovered by high water bills.

  • Line 5618 Insurance: cost continues to be high due to type property of University Woods (student housing, multi-level). Increase to approximately $75,000 this year. Unfortunately, the insurance is obtained through the non-conforming market. Nationwide, a previous insurer, discontinued the policy, which required the search for a new insurer and limited options for such. Sprinkler systems in the buildings and the low number of claims submitted do help to decrease this cost.

  • Line 7001 Capital Expenses: 7028 Roof Replacement: Roof inspections were completed, projected to have approximately 5-6 years left, but some maintenance is required in the meantime. Some of budgeted $165,000 will be reallocated toward parking lot resurfacing and line painting. 7084 Insurance 10K: $16,283.49 in claims this year. Again, the bylaws need to be revisited and this changed to prevent this in the future. Discussion regarding Insurance issue. Board explained to attendees how the claims are made and the HOA must pay the $10,000 deductible and past efforts to remedy that issue (unsuccessful attempts to obtain sufficient votes to change the bylaws).

  • Line 5211 Retention Ponds: The ponds and associated drains were cleaned out following a required inspection, approximately $6,000 total expense. A board member noted at one point, the Association did not have sufficient funds to cover such as unexpected, but required expense, but are better prepared for such at this time.

Balance Sheet:

  • Question was raised about what is included in the Line item 3005 Escrows. Jeb Black will research and report back to the group on this question.

Fiscal Year Budget:

  • Projected transfer to reserve fund of approximately $96,750.

  • Roof repairs are adjusted for 2020.

  • Parking lots will be a focus this year.

Management Report. Jeb Black provided details of the management report. Items of discussion included:

2019 Accomplishments/Items of note:

  • Security patrols continue within the neighborhood. The security team is unarmed and calls Raleigh Police Department if there are issues. One attendee reported an unmarked van backed into a parking space for hours, assuming it was the security patrol, inquired about the possibility of marking the security vehicles and how the movement of the patrols is monitored. Jeb Black reported the patrols have a tracker and the patrols vary by time and day to avoid establishment of a pattern.

  • Powerwashing was completed and will be completed again this coming summer.

  • Replacement/repair of handrails and siding is ongoing. Unfortunately, the original handrails are no longer made, so parts will be used to repair as many as possible, but new ones will need to be ordered in some cases.

  • Parking lots will need repairs this coming year, including resurfacing and line painting.

  • Blue recycle bins have been requested from City of Raleigh, a study of space will be done to determine feasibility.

Homeowners’ Forum: Items discussed.

Homeowner inquired about how to get broken down/wrecked vehicles removed from the parking lot. Advised to email the board and/or Jeb Black and the issue will be researched and taken care of.

Old Business: Items discussed.


New Business: Items discussed.

Budget Ratification:

  • Motion made by Mark Selz, seconded by Christopher Wilson, and unanimously approved by attendees.

Board member elections:

  • Remaining Board members confirmed intent to continue serving on board. Three additional parties indicated interest in serving on the board. Jorge Orozco (Approved). Justin Boeckler (Approved) . Anthony Frasso: rejected by current board due to previous inactivity in board proceedings as a previous board member.

  • Board approved a seven-member composition.

  • Motion by Mark Selz to adopt board by acclimation, seconded by Christopher Wilson, and unanimously approved by attendees.

  • Jeb Black noted a quorum of four members will be required at future HOA Board meetings.

Other Items. Items discussed.

Next Board meeting April 15, 2020 at 6:00pm at University Woods Clubhouse.

Motion by Mark Selz to adjourn meeting. Seconded by Lisa Whitley. Meeting adjourned at 7:04pm. Minutes submitted by Lisa Whitley. To be approved at next Board Meeting.



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