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  • University Woods HOA

April 2022 Board Meeting

Updated: Jun 2

April 20, 2022

Attendees: Present via Zoom from the Board were John Gensinger, Jorge Orozco, Mark Selz, and Lisa Whitley. Representing Wilson Property Management was Jeb Black. No homeowners were present.

President Mark Selz called the meeting to order at 6:09pm. Lisa Whitley recording minutes.

Approval of Minutes: Previous meeting minutes (April 2022) to be posted on the HOA website. Motion to approve by Mark Selz, seconded by John Gensinger, unanimously approved by all board members.

Homeowners’ Forum: No homeowners present, however, request has been made that wasp nests be removed from common areas (under decks, over doors, etc.). Board discussed, agreed to proceed with removal of wasp nests.

Financial Report: Jeb Black reviewed Balance Sheet through 3/31/22, Delinquency Report through 3/31/22, and Budget Comparison through 3/31/22.

  1. Balance Sheet: Operating and reserve accounts continue to grow, allowing more community projects to be budgeted and planned for upcoming years.

  2. Delinquency Report: a. Previous accounts with severe delinquency (Acct 31167 & 32098) were brought current when legal notices were received. b. One remaining account (Acct 29195) delinquent four recent months in Homeowner’s Assessment. Legal notice process has been started.

  3. Budget Comparison: a. Line 5118 Building Repairs & Line 5132 Exterior Building Repairs & Maintenance: i. Siding replacement continues (replace entire end as the siding does not match if pieces replaced). Having more replacements due to windows reflecting sunlight onto siding and warping siding due to heat. ii. Gutter cleaning has been completed, will be on the next report. Board discussed possibility of gutter guards and cost, decided against the option at this time, but will re-evaluate at the time of roof replacement. Instead, gutters will be maintained as needed and cleaned annually.

  4. Line 5509 Fire inspection: Sprinkler head inspections: 50% deposit paid, company came out to access the first building, ordered wrong heads. New heads are on order. Residents were good about access, now will have to grant access again to the same units.

  5. Line 5502 Utilities Area Lights: over budget. Question raised about the lights being replaced with LED several years ago, why the significant increase? Jeb Black will research and let the board know the reason.

  6. Line 5605 Security Guard: two months bills came in at once.

  7. Line 5616 Taxes and Audits: will be coming up on next report. Motion to approve by Mark Selz, seconded by Lisa Whitley, unanimously approved by all board members.

Management Report: Jeb Black provided details of the management report. Items

of discussion included:

Current and future projects or issues:

  1. Dryer vent cleaning: 3 bids to clean them. Best one is for $60/dryer if they do the entire development (clean from outside with brush, clean inside with vacuums, remove and reinstall dryer). Approximately $13,500 total. Question raised whether the HOA should provide this service or if it is homeowner responsibility. Majority of board members feel HOA should provide this to decrease the fire risk across the community. Question from Jeb Black about whether to send notice to owners or arrange access to the units with the current residents. He reports good success in getting access to the units to change the water meter batteries (see below), so will contact current residents for access. Motion to proceed by Lisa Whitley, seconded by Mark Selz, unanimously approved by all board members.

  2. Asphalt work/sealing of parking lots to be done soon. Company has recommended a 4 phase/area plan to facilitate parking for current residents. Moving forward with the project.

  3. Pruning of bushes and mulch has been completed. Bushes look pretty bare, but will recover. Mulch made a big difference in the appearance of the community.

  4. Trash outside dumpsters continues to improve, but issue is not resolved. i. Want to come up with a better plan for move out season this July. Last year, GFL delivered the construction dumpsters but were not available to empty them as needed (2-3 day lead time). Jeb Black will seek to have the dumpsters delivered mid-July and emptied (at a minimum) on Friday afternoon before move out weekend and first thing Monday morning after move out day (July 31st). Question was asked if there should be more construction dumpsters. ii. The busiest permanent regular dumpsters are emptied 3 x week and the less busy ones are emptied 2 x week. Unfortunately, if one person sits a bag of garbage outside the dumpster, whether it is full or empty, other people do the same. Still seeking ways to prevent trash issues: continue to places notices, violations for trash at doors, etc. e. Replacement of exterior light fixtures: Obtaining updated bid, price for the selected fixtures have gone up significantly since bid was originally obtained.

  5. Water meters: batteries were changed on all but about 6 units (all units, not just the ones that were previously not reporting). The units that still need to be accessed will be forwarded to the board for research. Those units that were not reporting have received bills to catch up what they were not billed for during the transmission issues.

  6. Latest sales in University Woods $260k-270k, 3 bedroom for $230k recently.

  7. Street & stop signs have been replaced, some additional stop signs added.

  8. Will place new signs at entrances regarding leaving trash outside doors. Current violation fees escalate $50, $100, etc.

Old Business: Items discussed:

  1. Previous bedbug situation has been resolved. Owners took care of the situation after contacted about legal action.

New Business: None.

Other Items:

  1. Next Board meeting June 15, 2022 at 6:00pm via Zoom.

  2. Plan to meet in person in October-November timeframe for budget planning. Motion by Mark Selz to adjourn meeting. Seconded by John Gensinger. Meeting adjourned at 7:00pm.

Minutes submitted by Lisa Whitley. To be approved at next Board Meeting.



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