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  • University Woods HOA

August 2021 Board Meeting

Attendees: Present via Zoom from the Board were Justin Boeckler, John Gensinger, Asim Ghulamani, Jorge Orozco, Mark Selz, and Lisa Whitley. Representing Wilson Property Management was Jeb Black. No homeowners were present. President Mark Selz called the meeting to order at 6:02pm. Lisa Whitley recording minutes. No homeowners present.

Homeowners’ Forum: No discussion.

Approval of Minutes: Previous meeting minutes (February 2020) are posted on the HOA website.

Treasurer’s Report: Jeb Black reviewed Balance Sheet as of May 31, 2020 and Budget Comparison through July 31, 2021 with Board members.

  • Budget Comparison:

    • Assessment & utilities income is increasing due to increased collection.

    • Line item 7029: Bldg Ext Misc: exterior heads remove, sent out for inspection. Stairwells & breezeways have been completed.

    • Line item 5605: Security Guard Expense: discussion of what that cost entails. Reports of them not having been seen around, concerns of increased crime in the neighborhood. Discussion to explore other options for this service.

    • Line 7001 Capital Expenses:

    • 7084 Insurance 10K: approximately $3,500 in claims thus far this year, calls continue to come in for things to be covered.

  • Balance Sheet:

    • Suggestion made to obtain 4 CDs of $50,000 each due to almost $1M in cash accumulated. Motion by Mark Selz, seconded by Asim Ghulamani, unanimously approved by all board members.

  • Delinquency Report:

    • Currently one property that has a high delinquent balance of almost $5,500.Discussion regarding the property: is it currently vacant, is the water bill being paid, etc. Jeb Black will check and follow up with board members. Motion made by Mark Selz to foreclose, seconded by Justin Boeckler, unanimously all board members.

    • A number of delinquencies are related to the Special Assessment for the Insurance 10K. Discussion took place that the notice of the special assessment must be clear with a deadline for payment. Jeb Black stated a notice will be sent out with explanation of what the special assessment is for initially, with a reminder sent in March. It was noted the explanation may prompt action by homeowners to vote on bylaws change.

    • Question was asked regarding at what point action is taken against delinquent owners. Jeb Black stated once the balance reaches $500, a demand letter is sent. Many homeowners become current at that point.

Management Report: Jeb Black provided details of the management report. Items of discussion included:

  • Paving of parking lots: Two estimates were obtained for reseal& restripe of whole property prior to COVID-19 ($45k and $60k). Discussion took place to update estimates, recommendation made to proceed if within 10% of previous estimate. Additional discussion resulting in agreement that board members will weigh in on the new estimates and vote either at next meeting or via email.

  • Bed bug infestation: A unit within the neighborhood had a bed bug infestation. Original unit was treated by report of owner/management company, but surrounding units are reporting bed bugs. Owner/management company of original unit are denying access to the unit for inspection to confirm remedy of infestation. Adjacent owners say the bed bugs are coming through the vents. Discussion took place regarding options as a board, i.e. legal grounds to enter the property, etc. Jeb Black will consult with attorney for advice in this situation.

  • Threats against HOA management personnel: A unit owner visited the HOA management company office regarding a trash issue. A maintenance worker spoke to the owner at the office. Following the visit, the unit owner’s husband (name withheld) called the HOA management company office and threatened the maintenance worker. Jeb Black advised the board the HOA management company will no longer communicate with these two particular owners. Board members agreed and advised any further threats should be communicated to the police and legal action pursued.

  • Trash in the neighborhood: Trash around the dumpsters and throughout the neighborhood has been a problem this year as in the past. Jeb Black advised that TurboHaul & 1-800- Got Junk come to the neighborhood regularly and the dumpsters are emptied regularly. Turbo Haul comes every Monday. Discussion of solutions took place. Question was asked about violation notices for trash outside doors, Jeb Black reported not many have been issued recently, recommendation to issue more violations to clean up around doors. Cameras around dumpsters were discussed, but decided against, as there would be no way to determine where the offenders live by video in order to issue violations. Long term solution recommended is to add another dumpster area and fencing on Wolfmill Drive behind the corner building. Jeb Black will obtain estimates for that installation.

  • Street and stop signs are missing throughout the neighborhood. Jeb Black will pursue ordering new ones.

  • Roof conditions: Because of the favorable overall condition of the building roofs, recommendation was made to have roof company go through and repair/replace damaged areas such as shingles/boots, etc.

  • Lights in breezeways are out of order and many need repair. Recommendation to obtain estimate for repair & replacement of bulbs/missing covers versus replacement of entire light fixture. Jeb Black will obtain estimates. In the meantime, owners/residents should call in lights not working.

Old Business: None.

New Business: Items discussed:

  • Dryer vents: birds have been building nests, Jeb Black will get estimates for installation of guard over external vent. Proposed that HOA bear the cost as it is a safety/fire hazard.

  • HVAC drain lines: should be cleared of clogs periodically. Unfortunately, until they clog, not much is done by homeowners to prevent clogs. Recommendation made for homeowners to use water sensors to identify water damage quickly and to use the tablets available to dissolve the clogs regularly.

  • Power washing: Jeb Black recommended increasing to 2 times per year. Advised to put in next year’s budget and a vote will be taken.

  • Rezoning of adjacent Tryon Road property: status is unknown at this time. Lisa Whitley will send email to City of Raleigh for update and report back to board members.

  • Security/crime: Jeb Black outlined the role/expectations of the current security company. He will call or email Raleigh Police Department about increased patrols and availability of off-duty officers. Board members requested access to the reports from the security company, Jeb Black will inquire about adding additional emails to the distribution list or he will forward to board members as he receives them.

  • Parking permits: Available now for pickup at the management office. Must be on vehicles by September 1, 2021.

  • Philip Terrell has sold his property in University Woods and has left the board.

Motion by Mark Selz to adjourn meeting. Seconded by Lisa Whitley. Meeting adjourned at 7:39pm.

Minutes submitted by Lisa Whitley. To be approved at next Board Meeting.



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