February 23, 2022
Attendees: Present via Zoom from the Board were Justin Boeckler, John Gensinger, Asim Ghulmani, Jorge Orozco, Mark Selz, and Lisa Whitley. Representing Wilson Property Management was Jeb Black. No homeowners were present.
President Mark Selz called the meeting to order at 6:08pm. Lisa Whitley recording minutes.
Approval of Minutes: Previous meeting minutes (August 2021) are posted on the HOA website.
Homeowners’ Forum: No discussion.
Financial Report: Jeb Black reviewed Budget Comparison through 12/31/22 and Balance Sheet through 12/31/21 and 1/31/22.
Budget Comparison:
Line 5132: Siding & Doors replaced. New siding does not match the old, so the entire side/end of building is completed.
Line 4010: Utilities. Delinquency letters have been sent, so those are catching up.
Line 5208: Tree removal. All trees have been pruned away from buildings and signs can now be read.
Line 7017: Sidewalks. This is actually the parking lot patching, sealing still has to be done.
Question was asked about the insurance premiums. Jeb Black advised it is paid in 9 installments over the year.
Balance Sheet: Discussed the development of improvement plans within University Woods as the financials are growing, allowing for spending on projects.
Delinquency Report:
Acct 31167: $6545.25 Balance.
Acct 32098: $2010.00 Balance.
Recommend foreclosure on both accounts.
Discussion of process. Mark Selz to foreclose, seconded by John Gensinger, unanimously approved by all board members. Jeb Black advised the paperwork will be forwarded to Mark Selz for signature as board President.
Management Report: Jeb Black provided details of the management report. Items of discussion included:
Current and future projects or issues:
Tree pruning.
Sealing of parking lots will be done in April.
Dumpsters. New one on Wolfmill has taken some pressure off the other. Has not solved the garbage problem, but has improved it.
Trash outside doors. Some violations have been issued.
Signs at entrances are down or need repair. Agreed to replace all.
Water meters. The last several billing cycles, 13-15 units are not reporting, indicating transmitter batteries need replacing. Bought the appropriate batteries, must access all units to change them.
Fire inspecitons. 10% of each interior sprinkler head types have to be inspected (1st & 2nd floor units have ceiling, 3rd floor units have wall & ceiling). Received 3 bids last year, the heads are removed and sent off for inspection. So far, no damage to sheetrock has taken place. Any heads with paint are an automatic fail, therefore, preinspecting and not sending those for inspection, rather noting those must be replaced. $40k total, $12k deposit for ordering the replacement heads. Recommendation to put information on the website about the inspection and not to paint the sprinkler heads, but decided to put in minutes of meeting instead.
Bushes. Bushes along buildings are too tall, creating a safety & security issue. They need to either be replaced for heavily pruned. Waiting on estimate from landscaper for pruning & replacement. Guess is around $13k for pruning. Motion made by Mark Selz to approve if less than $15k, if $15k or above board will vote, seconded by John Gensinger, unanimously approved by all board members.
Security. A couple of catalytic converters have been reported stolen, no recent reports of vandalism/shots fired/etc. Fewer reports of crimes, security appears to have improved. Jeb Black will re-engage the security company to distribute their reports to the board members.
Old Business: Items discussed:
Light fixtures. Bid for that has been received, Jeb Black will forward to the board members.
Landscaping. Bare areas has been discussed with the landscapers.
Bedbugs. Still an issue. Motion by Lisa Whitley to consult HOA attorney about board’s ability to intervene or effect this issue, seconded by Justin Boeckler, unanimously approved by all board members.
Street and stop signs. Discussed again, missing ones will be replaced.
Roofs. There is still a number of estimated years left on the roofs, so will continue to monitor for new issues.
New Business: Items discussed:
Board positions. Mark Selz made motion to keep same personnel in positions, second by Justin Boeckler, unanimously approved by all board members.
Annual meeting. Discussion whether to do in person, Zoom, or mail out. Mark Selz made motion to do mail out, second by John Gensinger, unanimously approved by all board members.
Other Items:
Next Board meeting April 20, 2022 at 6:00pm. Zoom.
Motion by Mark Selz to adjourn meeting. Seconded by John Gensinger. Meeting adjourned at 7:05pm.
Minutes submitted by Lisa Whitley. To be approved at next Board Meeting.