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  • University Woods HOA

June 2022 Board Meeting

Updated: Jun 2

June 15, 2022

Attendees: Present via Zoom from the Board were Justin Boeckler, John Gensinger, Asim Ghulmani, and Lisa Whitley. Representing Wilson Property Management was Jeb Black. No homeowners were present.

Meeting called to order at 6:06pm. Lisa Whitley recording minutes.

Approval of Minutes: Previous meeting minutes to be posted on the HOA website. Motion to approve by Lisa Whitley, second by John Gensinger, unanimously approved by all board members.

Homeowners’ Forum: No discussion.

Financial Report: Jeb Black reviewed Balance Sheet through 5/31/22, Delinquency Report through 5/31/22, and Budget Comparison through 5/31/22.

  1. Balance Sheet: Operating and reserve accounts continue to grow, allowing more community projects to be budgeted and planned for upcoming years.

  2. 2) Delinquency Report: a. One account (Acct 29195) remains delinquent in Homeowner’s Assessments. $1290 is in collections. If no progress by next meeting legal process will be continued. b. Remaining previous accounts with severe delinquency were brought current when legal notices were received. c. Jeb Black noted late fees are not being collected since COVID. Motion by Justin Boeckler to reinstate fees, second by Lisa Whitley, unanimously approved by all board members.

  3. Budget Comparison: a. Line 4001 HOA Assessments: more have been collected, less delinquencies. b. Line 5100 Building Maintenance: Under budget at this time c. Line 5200 Grounds Maintenance: Over budget at this time due to mulch and heavy pruning of bushes. d. Line 5500 Utilities: Under budget at this time due to fire inspection not completed. e. Lines 5616 Tax/Audit and 5618 Insurance: Both are due, are not captured in budget yet. f. Line 7084 Insurance 10k: No claims, but several water leaks requiring ceiling repairs.

Management Report: Jeb Black provided details of the management report. Items

of discussion included:

Current and future projects or issues:

  1. Sealing and line painting on parking lots is coming soon in phases, trying to work around garbage days. Patching of holes and cracks is complete.

  2. Sprinkler inspections are underway, the new ones have arrived. A number of sprinklers in the breezeways have failed due to “bent deflector” (designed to disperse water as the sprinkler sprays). None of the sprinkler heads that have not been removed are bent, suspicion is that they have been bent when being removed. Jeb Black is consulting with another company about whether bent deflectors is a failing condition as well as UL to confirm the inspection criteria/requirement. This may involve the Fire Marshal. More to follow. Extra information: Heads outside are “dry heads” and heads insider are “wet heads.”

  3. Dryer vent cleaning is underway. 1 building is complete, 17 remain. i. In another community, Jeb Black reported a number of the vents were clogged or blocked in the ceiling and unable to complete the cleaning. It costs approximately $500/unit to repair (clear the clog, fix any issues). Discussion around whether the HOA will cover that cost or it will pass to the unit owner. Decision made to wait and see how many units this applies to in our community. Jeb Black will update the status at the next meeting. ii. One to one and a half buildings can be completed in a day, so estimated to be about 3 more weeks before all complete.

  4. Demo for exterior lights in breezeways install by end of week. The remaining lights will not be received and installed until approximately September.

  5. Powerwashing will take place the end of June for all buildings. f. It was noted we do have money to continue tackling deferred maintenance and community issues.

Old Business: Items discussed:

Street and stop signs within the community have been re-installed. Move out plan for July:

  1. Estimates from 3 providers

  2. July 15th dumpster delivery

  3. 4 containers, 3 on larger side and 1 on smaller side of community

  4. Will be dumped on the 1st and as needed on call

New Business: None.

Other Items:

  1. Next Board meeting September 14, 2022 at 6:00pm via Zoom.

  2. Plan to meet in person in October-November timeframe for budget planning.

Motion by Justin Boeckler to adjourn meeting. Seconded by Lisa Whitley. Meeting adjourned at 6:41pm.

Minutes submitted by Lisa Whitley. To be approved at next Board Meeting.

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