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  • University Woods HOA

March 2023 Board Meeting

March 8, 2023

Attendees: Present via Zoom from the Board were Justin Boeckler, John Gensinger,

Asim Ghulmani, Jorge Orozco, and Lisa Whitley. Representing Wilson Property

Management was Jeb Black. No homeowners were present.

Meeting called to order at 6:05pm. Lisa Whitley recording minutes.

Approval of Minutes: Previous meeting minutes will be posted on the HOA website. Motion to approve by Lisa Whitley, second by Justin Boeckler, unanimously approved by all board members.

Homeowners’ Forum: No discussion, no homeowners present.

Financial Report: Jeb Black reviewed Balance Sheet through 2/28/23, Delinquency

Report through 2/28/23, and Budget Comparison through 2/28/23.

  1. Balance Sheet: Cash & CDs total over $920,000. We continue to build reserve funds to complete some needed projects.

  2. Delinquency Report: a. Much improved in amount of delinquencies. b. Board members commented they do not believe they have seen delinquencies this low before. c. Previous delinquent accounts with a significant balance have been made current.

  3. Budget Comparison: a. Looking good across the board. b. Water utilities income and expense difference has been resolved.

Management Report: Jeb Black provided details of the management report. Items

of discussion included:

Current and future projects or issues:

  1. Insurance: Jeb will look at prices for best options. It renews in July, so he will see the new premium amount closer to that time and get some comparison. Anticipate an increase due to increase in building values as well as cost of building materials.

  2. Paving: 3-4 weeks out from more progress due to weather (temperatures), but it around April. Price of estimate will still be honored and this includes sealing and striping. i. It was noted by Jorge that possibly new holes have developed that need to be patched. He will send pictures for Jeb to confirm if he already has those particular ones noted or if they are new.

  3. Dryer vent cleaning: last of the units are completed.

  4. Exterior light fixtures: installation is complete. The new ones are brighter than the old ones, which has resulted in residents placing bags over the fixtures. i. Board and Jeb discussed proceeding with violation notices being sent to the units with the lights covered or disabled and proceeding to a violation with a fine if it is not remedied.

  5. Sprinkler heads: i. They are working on interior heads now, pulling older or original heads. ii. 7 buildings left to do, probably 2 more days of work iii. A few have had to cut sheetrock, but not many units.

  6. University Woods has been approached by Google Fiber as an installation site. i. A connection box is installed in each unit, giving access to Google Fiber (at no cost to the HOA). ii. There will also be a house account at no charge for the clubhouse. iii. Install timeline is 3-4 months from signature of agreement. iv. Board and Jeb discussed the need to review the agreement prior to committing.

  7. Base questions posed: a. How does it get to the individual units? b. Is there digging on the property? c. Who is responsible for marking utilities and obtaining permits?

  8. Jeb will send the agreement to the board for review when he receives it. If no objections, he can sign on our behalf.

  9. Initial discussion is that it seems to be a good opportunity for the community.

Old Business: Items discussed:

Water utilities: $42,000.44 income actual YTD with $41,596.12 expense, so

the discrepancy has been corrected from before.

New Business:

  1. Some street signs are missing again. They cost approximately $50 per sign. Discussion took place about replacing again and ways to deter continued removal. No good solutions reached at this time.

  2. Crime reports: Question was asked if there has been increased crime in the area surrounding NC State. Board members were not sure, but reported not receiving the recent crime reports like they received in the past from the third party provider suppling Raleigh PD data.

  3. Water monitoring: Lisa reported another property she owns notified her of increased water consumption. Question was posed if that is possible with Guardian. Jeb will inquire.

  4. Landscaping/Mulch: planning for new landscaper to give bids for this.

Other Items:

Next Board meeting May 10, 2023 at 6:00pm via Zoom.

Motion by Lisa Whitley to adjourn meeting, second by Justin Boeckler. Meeting

adjourned at 7:08pm.

Minutes submitted by Lisa Whitley. To be approved at next Board Meeting.

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