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  • University Woods HOA

November 2023 Board Meeting

Updated: Jun 2

November 28, 2023

Attendees: Present via Zoom from the Board were John Gensinger, Asim Ghulmani, Jorge Orozco, Mark Selz, and Lisa Whitley. Representing Wilson Property Management was Jeb Black and Crystal Lynn. No homeowners were present.

Meeting called to order at 5:38pm. Lisa Whitley recording minutes.

Jeb Black introduced Crystal Lynn to the board, she is assisting Jeb in the

management of University Woods HOA.

Approval of Minutes: Previous meeting minutes will be posted on the HOA website. Motion to approve by Mark Selz, second by Lisa Whitley, unanimously

approved by all board members.

Homeowners’ Forum: No discussion, no homeowners present.

Financial Report: Jeb Black reviewed Balance Sheet through 10/31/23, Delinquency Report through 10/31/23, and Budget Comparison through 10/31/23.

  1. Balance Sheet: Cash & CDs total over $885,000. We continue to build reserve funds to complete some needed upcoming projects. a. Jeb Black proposed moving funds > $250,000 to investment funds (MM, CDs, etc. with Edward Jones). Motion to approve by Mark Selz, second by John Gensinger, unanimously approved by board members.

  2. Budget Comparison: a. Looking good across the board. b. Line 5132: There was termite damage in ground unit, no active termites, unable to tell how old the damage was. Other units in the building were checked and found okay. Mark Selz asked about a termite bond. There is one, but it is treatment only, not damage repair bond. He also asked about bait traps around the building. Jeb Black stated the building are treated on and around only. Mark Selz noted the pressure washers need to us caution to not wash away termite treatment. c. Line 5510: Trash disposal: large items continue to be left at dumpsters, leading to excessively high costs for trash disposal. More to follow in Management Report. d. Line 5618: Insurance: all communities’ insurance rates are increasing this year. e. Line 7001: Capital: on target. f. Actual vs Budget YTD is -$1,220.59. Not bad at all.

  3. Delinquency Report: a. $2,223.14 across 11 units, great shape b. Water delinquencies are an issue, estimated by Jeb Black to be around $8,000 total. He will send the board more information on that, for board to consider plans for collection.

Management Report: Jeb Black provided details of the management report. Items of discussion included:

Ongoing projects or issues:

  1. Sprinkler heads: i. All interior sprinkler heads came back good, none have to be replaced. ii. Exterior sprinkler heads have arrived, will start installation on December 6, 2023. Sheetrock repairs will be required in some cases to prevent breaking the water lines when removing the sprinkler heads. iii. Jeb Black noted this is a 10 year inspection.

  2. Mailbox break-ins have been an issue at the kiosk on the Wolfmill side of the neighborhood. Criminals pop the latch on the entire mailbox, take the package box keys and steal packages out of the boxes. To remedy, Jeb i. Installed an additional latch and Masterlock installed on the main box opening. Jeb and the mail delivery service have a key. ii. Added solar-powered lighting to the area. It was poorly lit on the back side of the mailbox kiosk.

  3. Security guard is not being effective. Jeb Black proposed we either decrease coverage or eliminate the service entirely. He cannot tell they are doing anything. Mailbox break-ins were not discovered and did not make it into their reports during any of the occurrences. Motion by Mark Selz to drop the service for 1 year and re-evaluate at 1 year or if there is an increase in crime before then, second by Jorge Orozco, unanimously approved by all.

Old Business: Items discussed:

  1. Power washing: done in September and it still looks good. Next year will try to get it completed May/June timeframe in time for turnovers. There was discussion about increasing to 2 x per year, but tabled for evaluation in 2024.

  2. Parking lots: repairs and paving were completed, sealing has still not been done. Too cold now to complete it. Crystal will work on new bids for warmer weather. Jeb has lost confidence in the company that was doing the work. No payments have been made for any work not completed, so we can start over with a new vendor.

New Business:

  1. Termite treatment question was asked: Should we treat 2 buildings/year. Jeb Black does not think that is necessary, as there does not appear to be an active termite issues.

  2. Jorge brought up clogged gutters. They are usually cleaned in January/February, but were not done in 2023. Discussion took place about gutter guards versus pruning trees. Gutter guards tabled for a couple years.

  3. Jorge brought up pink sponge material at the bottom of siding breaking down. It is insulation for the slab. Jeb will get estimates for getting protection/treatment to decrease further degradation.

  4. 2024 Budget: Proposed increase to assessments by 10% Work on water delinquencies Trash disposal is a huge expense. Recommendation to explore cameras on the specific problem area dumpsters. Resealing of parking lots is back in the budget, as it was not completed this year. Painting of doors planned for 2024. Powerwashing in Spring 2024. Removing security guard expense will decrease budget by ~$50,000, but bigger expenses are on the horizon. Question was asked about the Fire Inspection ($15,000): if that is a duplicate. Jeb will research. Motion by Mark Selz to remove security guard and move that money to reserves, second by Lisa Whitley, unanimously approved by all board members. Motion by Mark Selz to increase dues by $20/month (9.3% increase), second by Lisa Whitley, unanimously approved by all board members.

Other Items:

  1. Annual meeting February 20, 2024 at 6:00pm via Zoom.

  2. All current board members will remain on the board. Jeb will confirm with Justin Boeckler.

Motion by Mark Selz to adjourn meeting, second by Lisa Whitley. Meeting adjourned at 7:08pm.

Minutes submitted by Lisa Whitley. To be approved at next Board Meeting.



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