Many of you might have received notice in September 2020 from Mattox Law Firm of the potential rezoning, from residential to commercial, for the property located at 3625 Tryon Rd (PIN 0782975817). The property is currently zoned residential and advertised for sale with a residential home site. Here's is the link of the listing flyer:
This lot has been vacant for several years. Over the past six years, it was leased to a tree service company. Concerned residents surrounding our community filed a complaint with the City of Raleigh and were informed that the property was not zoned for commercial use. The City of Raleigh took steps to notify the owner of 3624 Tryon Road to correct the violation and for the first time in years, we’ve had normal residential noise and improved home air quality, as expected in a residentially zoned area.
On September 23, 2020, Mattox Law Firm (via Zoom) hosted a meeting regarding the potential rezoning. The meeting was attended by one of our board members. We were advised with a verbal plan and without any draft drawings that the owner intends to sell the property to the tree company that was just removed from the property, contingent upon commercial rezoning approval.
Few weeks back, the tree company filed their rezoning petition with the City of Raleigh Case# REZN-49-2020 to commercially rezone the property. Here is the link to monitor the rezoning application for Case# REZN-49-2020:
The University Woods HOA does not support the commercial rezoning of this property for the proposed intended use. Our original plan was to file a petition to be signed by University Woods home owners to oppose the commercial rezoning as a community. One of our board members contacted the City of Raleigh planning office and learned that the petition process (with physical signatures) is no longer in effect. Instead, the planning office representative, JP Mansolf, City of Raleigh Planner, provided the below response that outlines the rezoning process and the contact information of the city decision-makers, and how we as a community can participate.
“No lawyers are required to voice your concerns. You can sign up to speak at the Planning Commission meeting where the item is scheduled, or you can provide written comments via email (planning.commission@raleighnc.gov). The Planning Commission will provide a recommendation to City Council, and City Council will hold a public hearing, where you can also sign up to speak. Council ultimately approves or denies a rezoning. Alternatively you can reach out to Council Members via email. You can find their contact information here: https://raleighnc.gov/city-council-office. Stormie Forte is the district representative where this rezoning is located. Please let me know if you have any other questions.”
Contact Information:
Stormie Forte (stormie.forte@raleighnc.gov)
John Anagnost (John.Anagnost@raleighnc.gov, 919-996-2638) has been assigned as case planner for Z-49-20.
The Board will be sending a letter on behalf of the HOA to the Planning Commission, our City Council District Representative, and the Case Planner assigned to the rezoning application. The letter will echo the community concerns with noise, pollution, commercial property proximity to residential homes, and property value concerns. We encourage all homeowners to voice their position on this matter by participating in the upcoming public and/or by writing directly to the contacts listed above.
Mark Selz, President
University Woods Homeowner’s Association