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  • University Woods HOA

September 2022 Board Meeting

Updated: Jun 2

September 14, 2022

Attendees: Present via Zoom from the Board were John Gensinger, Asim Ghulmani, Jorge Orozco, Mark Selz, and Lisa Whitley. Representing Wilson Property Management was Jeb Black. No homeowners were present.

Meeting called to order at 6:06pm. Lisa Whitley recording minutes.

Approval of Minutes: Previous meeting minutes will be posted on the HOA website. Motion to approve by Jorge Orozco, second by John Gensinger, unanimously approved by all board members.

Homeowners’ Forum: No discussion, no homeowners present.

Financial Report: Jeb Black reviewed Balance Sheet through 8/31/22, Delinquency Report through 8/31/22, and Budget Comparison through 8/31/22.

  1. Balance Sheet: Operating and reserve accounts continue to grow.

  2. Delinquency Report: a. One account that was delinquent has caught up and is current. b. Remaining delinquencies have decreased and report shows good improvement.

  3. Budget Comparison: a. Line 4001 HOA Assessments: more continue to be collected, less delinquencies continue to be noted. b. Line 5618 Insurance: Continues to go up each year. (Allstate, Liberty, Nationwide, and Westbend estimates obtained, all are about the same.) c. Capital Expenditures include mulch, pruning bushes, street signs, and dumster enclosure:

Management Report: Jeb Black provided details of the management report. Items of discussion included:

Current and future projects or issues:

  1. Dryer vent cleaning not complete yet: 4 buildings left, 14 are done.

  2. Sprinkler heads: Exterior heads: 13 of 18 buildings must be replaced. It was confirmed that bent deflectors do not fail the test. They failed the actual test. 4 heads per building have been done, 18 heads remain to be done. Interior heads: to be pulled October 13-14 for testing. General notes: 10% must be tested (4 heads per floor). Some are ceiling mounted, some are wall mounted. Previous inspection was completed by RPD fire inspection group. It was a visual inspection only, not a functional test. This one is a functional test. Question was asked about liability, firewatch, etc. when heads are removed, etc. Jeb reported that heads are replaced new when it is removed for testing. Interior heads are inspected every 20 years, exterior heads every 10 years. Fire extinguishers, backflows/safety valves, and pullstations are inspected annually by the Fire Marshal. Of note, this is not in the budget.

  3. Parking lots: almost finished, but sealer and paint are in short supply. Planning for September 28 completion, there are 5 sections left to finish.

  4. Turnover at University Woods this year: i. 7 x 30 yd containers ($500 each) ii. Board members noted improvement from previous years. iii. Jeb Black reported the new company is more responsive and better communicating than previous ones.

  5. Budget recommendations: i. Increase budget for trash disposal for turnover next year. ii. Add lines for sprinkler heads iii. Budget meeting mid-November

  6. Exterior light fixtures have not arrived yet, but will be installed when they come in.

Old Business: Items discussed:

Jeb Black is the registered agent with NC Secretary of State.

New Business:

Send any budget items to Jeb Black by November 7, 2022.

Other Items:

Next Board meeting November 16, 2022 at 6:00pm via Zoom.

Motion by Lisa Whitley to adjourn meeting. Seconded by Mark Selz. Meeting adjourned at 6:50pm.

Minutes submitted by Lisa Whitley. To be approved at next Board Meeting.

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